Originally Posted by onetime2
Inefficiency is absolutely the issue because no matter the form of tax generation the government will continue to spend everything it gets (or more likely beyond what it gets).
As do corporations and individuals.
Originally Posted by onetime2
The government continually renews virtually every program it has started over the last several decades whether they are working or not. In most cases people can't even point to evidence that they are working. Instead they make claims about "cutting spending" while in reality all they're doing is cutting the rate of increased spending.
If you guys prefer to contribute more and more to the system with no push for improvement, more power to you. I prefer to push for value and efficiency in our government over the mentality of "just take more from the rich".
Value and efficiency don't come from cutting taxes. They come from electing and appointing responsible people to positions. Bush has demonstrated quite clearly how sheer incompetance plus huge tax cuts can equal skyrocketing spending.
Now obviously if one simply is opposed to any kind of taxes or government spending, then tax discussions aren't going to yield much. I don't know how you feel about the issue, but I find that down deep inside most people who harp on the government innefficiency point really are basically anti-tax, anti-government involvement, and use the innefficiency issue as merely a talking point. The simple point is that no matter how efficient or innefficient a program may be, it can never be efficient enough for them to support it.
Now, if you really are concerned about efficiency, which you term to be 'absolutely the issue', then I must ask a few questions of you:
1) How do you measure or quantify efficiency?
2) How do you determine whether or not something is 'efficient'?
3) Have you compared, using a relative yardstick (i.e. the same standards), government, corporate, and individual efficiency in solving a particular problem, or are you simply working off the premise that government is automatically least efficient because, afterall, it is government?