pan: Keep at it. The lives you'll save helping people get monkeys off their backs will more than be worth it for all the hardships you're going through right now.
Ok, domestic issues.
Abortion: I'm thoroughly bummed out that a woman can know she's pregnant from 1 week after conception untill, say, 6 months after conception and decide then to terminate what amounts to a potentially viable, self-sustaining fetus. But, in terms of her right to choose, it is her right to choose. Point to Kerry
Health care: You really oughtn't have sick people who aren't getting treatment on the simple basis that they can't afford it/their work insurance doesn't cover it. Some changes are needed, but I'm not entirely sure that the government handling universal health care is a good idea. Tied.
Gun control: It's not about home defense, or hunting, it's about what's necessary to the security of a free state. Kerry is soft on gun control, but for the wrong reasons and I still don't trust the democrats to abide by the second amendment. Figure that one out. Point to Bush.
Stem cell research: Whatta you, nuts? Limiting medical treatment on the basis of moral grudges against what amounts to SCOTUS-approved, constitutionally-protected rights? Point to Kerry.
Religion: Kerry is Irish-Catholic, but understands that his duties to the country come before any desires to bring the country to it's knees and humble before God. Bush, I'm not so sure about. Point to Kerry.
The economy: Cutting taxes for the super rich, I honestly do not believe it will do jack shit for the economy. Since this is the best that either can offer, point to Kerry.
Gay marriage: As is said before, the term "marriage" has traditionally religious connotations. And, seeing as how there have been a number of christian... uhh, pastors, reverends, head honchos, etc who have married homosexuals together, Bush has no ground to stand on. If you want "traditional marriages," be sure and legislate me some polygamy laws while you're at it. Point to Kerry.
Taxes: Cut the fat, go from there. Flat tax rates, that's just silly. Tied, Kerry for not pandering to the super rich with tax cuts, Bush for being of the persuasion that loathes wasteful government spending.
Education: Bush fucked up. Kerry would be hard pressed to do any worse. Point to Kerry.
Defense: Stop punching people for no reason and you'll find that you don't get punched all that much yourself. On the other hand, taking the fight to the Taliban and Saddam Hussein may have increased underground terrorist networks, it did wake up a few nations to a new "Stop fucking around" message (Libya, Syria, Iran). I do like the idea of a missile defense system, which I don't think Kerry's going to have the cajones to develop unilaterally (although I honestly don't see the problem in doing it discretely, top secret, etc). Kerry would be able to handle a war as well as Bush would, though. Suprising as I find it to be, I'd have to say Tied.
So, about 6-1 for Kerry.