True, we didn't have time to train her properly when we got her because I was thousands of miles away and hubby had to work 8-6 every day. We should have waited to get her until I was home to train her when she was still a puppy. But what's done is done, and there's no way I'd ever give this dog up. She's the greatest little dog in the universe and we love her to death! She just likes to shit all over the house, that's all.
Maybe it's the stress of being in a new environment, but her incontinence has gotten worse and worse. I blame my husband for her lack of potty-training when she was still a puppy, and I blame myself now for not being able to break her since I've been home. But, on the flip side, she knows that going on the floor is bad. She's NEVER been allowed to go on the floor before. She knows that she's only allowed to go on a wee-wee pad when she's inside, but she's been ignoring it lately and going wherever she pleases. I know she knows it's bad, but I haven't been able to make her stop.
I will try the crate method, it does seem to be the way to go. I hope it works because I absolutely hate being mad at Cocoa. She is the most loving, loyal dog I've ever seen and it breaks my heart to be angry with her. I hope it works.
Thanks for the advice!