So, I'm not even sure where to begin this. Over the past month or so. I've been feeling muscles in my calf area just get very very tight at random times. This happens about once a week, and it happens when they whole leg is being all stretched out, and i'm not talking like they're just stratight. They're being extended all out, all the way to my toes, which means it happens when I masturbated a couple times while my girlfriend talked to me dirty on the phone. I didn't tell her that it got tight, she was getting quite horny and masturbating herself, and I didn't want to ruin her mood. It hurt like a bitch though. I've had it once (I think), when i was just lying on my bed reading, which means, at that point, my leg wasn't stretched out to the max, just straightened out and relaxed.
My mom gets these sometimes, and god, please don't think dirty thoughts, she's just lying on the couch watchign tv. She refers to it in her native tongue as "my leg is pulling", and the way to assuage the pain is to rub the area, and the muscle in particular very hard. I've always assumed it happened because my mom is not very active physically, but I guess that's not it. Since I play basketball everday for an hour and a half to 2 hours, and I've not missed playing in the last 2 months, I am in good shape right now. So, now, I'm wondering if its heridetary, if everyone gets it, and why its happening all of a sudden more frequently now, and if it has anything to do with me playing basketball everday?
I just had my annual check up with my doctor a couple weeks ago, and I didn't think of asking him, because it had been a while since it happened. Last night, however, I was talkin to my girl again

. Also, I'd want to give my doctor all the information, but I can't exactly tell my "family" doctor that I masturbate =P. Then aganin, maybe I can, I'd just be very embarassed. Maybe I can just describe how my legs are all tightened out for a while, without mentioning the other info. Also, I'm about to head out to college, so I won't see my doctor for quite a few months, and I don't want to go to a different doctor.
Thanks for any information you can give me
**EDITED for all sorts of spelling and grammatical errors (just for you Averett, from all I've read on the forums, you're one of the nicest people here )