First, please don't blame the dog. If you don't have time to train her properly, please give her to someone who does, or adjust to the behavior you're going to get from the dog.
She doesn't know going inside the house is wrong. She knows that she USED to be able to go inside the house, and now when she does it you yell. She's not running because you found the turd, she's running because you're yelling. You've switched the rules on the poor thing, and she's confused. You're going to have to start being very consistent if you want her to learn to go outside.
1. Don't yell unless you catch her in the act. In that case, a loud and firm "NO" will do, along with taking her immediately outside.
2. Clean up any areas indoors where she's gone with a good enzymatic cleaner like "Nature's Miracle." Once they've marked their area, they're likely to return there to pee/poop if they can smell it. Get rid of all the stain and smell. You can get a black light to see if there are any traces left.
3. Start crate training now.
Get a crate that's big enough for her to turn around in but not so big she can crap in one part and just go lay in another corner away from her mess. She stays in the crate any time she's unsupervised - that means any time she's not immediately in your eyesight (so you can catch her in the act if she goes). When you take her out of the crate she goes immediately outside. Give her rewards for doing her business outside.
You might want to check out a book called "The Culture Clash" by Jean Donaldson, or any books by Patricia McConnell. They're both sound, behavioral research-based training experts.
Remember, the behavior you're going to get depends on the training you give the dog.