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Old 08-24-2004, 09:25 AM   #3 (permalink)
I vote fake. FYI, I don't believe in ghosts generally.

I don't think this in particular was a ghost for a couple of reasons.

First, they seem to be getting ready to sell a DVD on their experience. Shades of "Blair Witch Project" to me.... At the very least, they have an incentive to make you believe their story so they can sell more DVDs.

Second, did you notice how the camera and flashlights went to exactly the right place when the ghost/demon appeared? Made me think they knew where to look (note: in the story, he says that he stopped keeping the camera up to his eye after a while and just sort of pointed the camera where he happened to be looking. the resulting shot seems to well-aimed for that to be believed.)

Third, the story has weird dramatic flourishes, like the reference to feeling the gaze of the demon down to the marrow. Putting aside the apparent inability to use paragraphs, this kind of decorative flourish suggests that they are looking to dramatize the story (with the intent to sell it, presumably).

I would have been a lot more impressed with a dispassionate description of the events.

Last edited by balderdash111; 08-24-2004 at 10:33 AM..
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