Music download services/MP3 player question
Note: Please, no replies about "don't pay for music, just get it free" or anything like that.
Here's the deal. I've got an MP3 player, but it doesn't seem to be compatible with any of the legit download services. Apparently Windows Media Player has to recognize your MP3 player so that any .wma files you move to it will play as legal. I can move .wma files to my player but they don't play.
I can either play my downloaded music on my PC while recording it at the same time in a digital editor, then save that as an MP3, or I can somehow, somewhere find a converter that will let me convert my locked .wma music files to .mp3.
I can appreciate that the download services don't want me having their songs in plain, unsecured mp3 format, but if I don't have a tune that way I can't play it and may as well cancel my subscription.