I feel the need to clarify a few things from the HistoryChannel.com article:
Freemasonry is not a true "secret society." In 1717, four lodges banded together and formed the first Grand Lodge. In doing so, the Lodges and their members made Freemasonry public for the first time. Before that time, the existence of all lodges and their members were kept secret. By going public, they effectively changed Freemasonry from a secret society to a Fraternal organization. From that point on, more lodges and members made themselves public. Today you can see signs for Masonic Lodges and their meeting times posted on the welcome signs into many towns. For that matter, any Freemason can freely admit his membership. Were Freemasonry to be a secret society, this would not be the case.
The historychannel.com article claims that members must believe in "the 'supreme being,'" when in fact, to be made a Freemason requires that one believes in
A supreme being. It does not matter if you call that being God, Allah, or anything else, just so long as you believe that a being exists. (Sorry Atheists)
As for the eye in the pyramid, a few other individuals have already spoken to the fact that it is not a Masonic symbol. In fact, according to a number of sources, "none of the final designers of the seal were Masons." In addition, "the eye in the pyramid is not nor has it ever been a Masonic symbol. The seal's Eye of Providence and the Mason's All Seeing Eye each express Divine Omnipotence, but they are parallel uses of a shared icon, not a single symbol."
Alright, enough from me. I think its great that people are interested in, and are talking about Freemasonry. It's a fantastic organization that will give back to you what you put into it. It truly does strive to make good men better. For more information, check out websites like: