Before anything:
- Do a google search on your motherboard model and see if other users are having similar issues. If the computer is something you can identify (IE: "Dell Inspiron 8500" or "Compaq Deskpro" or whatever) then google that as well.
Get someoen who knows how to use google meta commands really good to help you with this. This could potentially save you a huge headache.
If you get nothing...
First of all, rule out software as the issue:
-Reinstall windows... fresh.
-If it still freezes on a fresh install it is a 95% probability of being hardware.
-Test it right after a fresh install, if it doesnt freeze then systematically install things and test untill you find the issue.
Then do hardware diagnostics:
- Check processor and case tempature with motherboard monitor. Get it to log tempatures and check temps at time of crash.
- Check power supply voltage rails with motherboard monitor. Get it to log the results and look at the logs at the time of the freeze. See if there is a variance.
Try running with only a PCI vid card and a HDD. Also try testing with a super juiced powersupply (like an 800W server one or one from a reliable computer) just to rule out that you may be overloading it with too many peripherals.
- Replace CMOS battery if it is replaceable. Make sure you remeber which way it goes in. We've all heard horror stories of shorting out a motherboard by putting a battery in upside down. (If it isn't replacable then check maufactuerers specs on the life expectancy of the motherboard - googling will help u with this.)
- Check for failing or incompatible RAM (theres tools avaliable to test it).
- Systematically check for incompatible or failing hardware. (Take stuff out one at a time or replace with a junk component. Start with vid\audio cards.)
If you don't have 2 PC's to pull parts from (or spare\outdated parts) this is going to be hard to do solo.
Ideally you should test your mobo with all new stuff and test all your stuff on another mobo and see what happens. This could potentially indicate weather the mobo is to blame ir if it's another component.
If this kind of stuff yields nothing... heh, start saving, you've got a new paperweight.
Dunno if thats the optimum order to do it but good luck. Random failures can be anything. If they aren't COMPLETELY RANDOM and totally UNEXPLAINABLE. Give us more infos.
Last edited by Eric640; 08-23-2004 at 08:55 PM..