Originally Posted by jb2000
He has said he will not attack Kerry's war record. He has said he's against the 527 concept. But he has not yet come out and said that the SBVFT ad's content was not appropriate and did not reflect his own sentiments.
why should the President denounce the swiftvets and specifically state that he disagrees with them fundamentally? isn't it a bit arrogant for someone to demand the President to say exactly what they want to hear about the issue? the President may personally think much of what the swiftvets is true, but still considers the matter an unsuitable topic for the election. i think when many people consider this matter they assume the swiftvets have nothing pertinent to say about Kerry's Vietnam record and base the candidates responses to the matter on that assumption. that has not been proven true.
the fact is that there are many respected men of many political perspectives who have put their reputations on the line with the swiftvets organization. you must surely agree that they would expect the firestorm of scrutiny they would have to endure, but put their integrity into full public view anyway. i think that kind of commitment to a cause deserves a serious, respectful evaluation.