I voted for the "totally different" option because I think it's more than just a black and white answer- it's a combination of the number of partners, your sexual knowledge, and your confidence in your abilities.
you can be "experienced" through vast knowledge of a sexual experience WITHOUT experiencig it. A lot of the more informative sex shows and columns can provide invaluable info for everyone, and can go a long way to improving your abilities to provide pleasure for you and your partner.
obviously the confidence part can be tied into the number of partners, but if a relatively inexperienced person ISN'T a nervous wreck, and can stabilize his or her nerves, a lot of the problems that relatively inexperienced people go through can be minimized or eliminated.
the number of partners IS a key factor because that type of trial and error is still the most in-depth learning experience, but not being a total dumbass about the whole process of bumping uglies- no matter how many partenrs you've had- provides a huge advantage.