Originally Posted by Tophat665
Finally, the Break: Behind Blue eyes is made by that break. It is the whole reason for the song. I've listened to the dogs dinner Durst and the rest of the Primate house made of it, and I have yet to detect any vestige of that amazing, incredible, trancendental break. No cover of this song is worth the air it's hung on if it doesn't address the break.
Thank you! When I heard the LB cover for the first time, I thought "Oh no... this is going to be terrible." The one thing I thought might give their version some merit would be the bridge. If nothing else, LB can at least pound the crap out of a song, and if there ever was a good time to do it, it's the bridge in "Behind Blue Eyes." I envisioned them getting to the last verse before the bridge, then doing a major building feedback thing into WHAM!
But....nothing. No explosion. No bridge (unless you count Mr. Speak and Spell)
How, oh how can you cover Behind Blue Eyes without the damn bridge??