Originally Posted by bob32
What proof is there that Manhunt actually influenced the kid? The article doesn't say how the murder took place, but I doubt he used a "plastic bag," "glass shard," or a "blackjack" to kill them (sorry, I'm not too far in the game). If he did kill the person that way, then either the game influenced him (and he has some mental problems and the parents should've done something) or he just used that as an excuse so he won't be seen as entirely at fault. More than likely, he played a game and eventually he killed someone.
This point is exactly along the lines I was thinking. Another point in the game is that the main character is killing out of self-defense. Everyone he kills is also trying to kill him. It's not like he's murdering innocent kids with no motivation.
The real thing is some people kill people. There's no good reason for it. Something isn't right about them. You can't explain why it happened, for some people there is no reason, no psychology behind where something went wrong that led to the point they killed. Some people are just not right in the head, missing out on basic instincts of compassion or whatever. But the other thing really is like bob pointed out, we don't know the details of the murder, we don't know if there was any petty motivation, money owed, kid stole his g/f, yada yada. Maybe the murderer just has a short fuse and lost control.
I think the point of the thread is basically it's petty, and pointless to try and blame video games.