Thanks for the reply, Latch.
You are right guessing the existence of certain pieces of overdue homework ! But don't worry, I don't expect, or even actually want anyone to do it for me. I'm a very regular contributor to a couple of Javascript forums, and I know how it feels when someone is essentially asking just that. It's not so much that the poster is being lazy that's irritating, it's the feeling that they won't actually learn anything from your carefully crafted exposition. Perhaps you feel the same way.
What I was actually fishing for was some kind of short-term mentor, even one who feels a bit lacking in the Javascript/DHTML department so I can return the favour.
I know it could be considered a bit much to appear on a forum and ask for this, but it's actually the kind of thing I enjoy doing for people myself. So I suppose my request is aimed at someone like me - but who has some Bash skills to offer rather than DHTML.
If it's OK, I'll leave this request here, and post my specifics in new threads very shortly.