I agree with you to the extent that people need to better themselves. But if one could spend 1000 years seeking enlightenment, I think the race would be better off in many ways. Our typical teenage/youth days no longer allow us enough time for freedom to explore. The bulk of the best of our life is spent working like a lunatic to make ends meet. By the time we don't have to work anymore, our bodies are more frail, we are more prone to illness and we tend to live vicariously through our younger family members.
If youth was from 0-30 instead of 0-18... if we worked from 30-100 instead of 18-65 and we lived on, in good health from 100- say... 200 instead of living in acceptable health from 65-85 just think of what could come of it. You could go back to school, further the base of your knowledge, teach, study your own spirituality, whatever, and you'd have more time to do it and not feel rushed.
I guess, simply put, I think the lifespan of a human is altogether MUCH to short to truly appreciate all that life has to offer.