Any help with this please
Hi try and explain my problem well it came about by watchign Paytv in Australia and there was this American show about pc and programs tips and so on cant think of the name of top of me head.
Well any way they offered a tip to combined yr yahoo email with yr server email so u get all in that so thought what a good idea.
So i tried to combinded my Yahoo email into my server email, but stuffed up didnt work. Now i use the program incrediable Email love the icons and shit on it lol.
Well my question is is there any people here that will take the time and if know could explain how to make this happen for me so i get my yahoo email and my server email all downloaded into my incredable email Account as u can add accounts just the pop up and things stuff me up, or am i doing it wrong.
Oh the show was good to if u got pay tv in Australiasome handy tips if u are not dumb like me Shows called Tech tv.
thanks cobber