Agnostic. I'm undecided.
Now for the second part of my question for those of you who are agnostic. You do not deny that there is a chance that God can exist. If this is the case would you rather believe in God and be wrong or disbelieve in God and be wrong. Let's consider the ramifications of both. If you believe in God and are wrong then when you die you are dead and there is nothing else. You may have "waisted" some of your life believing in God. Now if you disbelieve in God and are wrong after you die you would spend eternity in pain and suffering.
Um, that's BS. Why would I get sent to hell for being human? You can't create me, introduce loads of science and technology AND simultaneously give me this story about a mythical being in the sky that created everything, who has yet to show proof of his existence. You simply can't do that, it's not fair. And if god is like that, then he's a shitty god.
That logic also pretty much discredits all religion. So what if the "right" religion was the Jewish religion? Or what about Buddhism? If Buddhism is the right religion, then all Christians and Catholics and everyone else is automatically damned for eternity? Not quite...
Vice versa, if Christians think their religion is the right one, then all Buddhists go to hell?! Wow, if that's the case, then the christian god is horrible and most certainly not a god I'd want to spend eternity with!
If god was truly compassionate, he'd understand the fact that we're human and by nature, we might not make the right choice. I couldn't possibly go to hell for that. It's not *my* fault I don't know what to believe in! I can't be punished for that.
Talking about this just makes me doubt religion even more, haha. It's so aburd.. these random "rules".
Actually, I was baptised so.. I don't know what that means, but I'm assuming it means I'm saved regardless. It wasn't my choice, I was 9 months .. so if Buddhism is the right religion, then I'm screwed either way.
Like I said in another thread about porn and sin, religion is a giant mindfuck and you're damned either way. It's a pointless cosmic game and I don't like the fact I'm a part of it.