Originally Posted by Tab
The bible is utter Bs IMO
Amazing, thanks for that huge, on-topic insight
Anyway, I consider "God" to be a word which has been ascribed to the idea of a higher power in western culture. I don't think that "God" is necessarily *the* name. In fact, I'm not so sure that "God" has a name. Fact is, we, as humans, have some sort of inherent need to name things and, therefore, we find names for "God." In western culture, especially in Christianity, we call it "God" now, but other names have existed such as "Yahweh," etc - as noted above. I don't think that "Allah" is inherently wrong, no more than I think "Krishna" is inherently wrong. Since I don't believe that there is a single "correct" name for what I refer to as "God" - indeed, I'm not sure I believe there is any name at all - I think the whole debate over the issue is pretty pointless. It completely detracts from the real issue of who "God" is when we insist on applying human things such as name and language onto the topic.