Get about $1,000 or so in a savings account before you pay anything else off. This will provide you with an rainy day fund so that if the brakes or your washer goes out, you won't have to go back to a credit card which would just start the cycle all over again. If you sell the car, start working on the credit card, but don't use it while trying to pay it off.
Is a second job feasable? You can clear about 800 a month doing a crappy $7 an hour job for 30 hours a week. That would have your credit card paid off in 9 weeks, and your student loan paid off in 5 months. In 7 months and 1 week, you can either quit the second job because you're debt free ( you DID sell that crappy car and stopped using the credit card during this time, right?

). Your other option is to work the second job for a while to pile up cash.
With the suplus of no loan or car payments, and the second job funds, you could start saving for a newer car, or even a house instead of trying to scramble to put back $100 a month.
Hope that helps!