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Old 08-21-2004, 12:12 AM   #40 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Stompy
None of that interpretive stuff, either.
All information is interpreted. There's no way around it, even if the information is explicit rather than implicit.

Second, we are human. Our hypocritical sociey, for whatever reason, makes sex out to be this "bad naughty" thing, yet people turn around and fuckin do it behind closed doors. Viewing pornography is no different than watching an action movie or a comedy.

What if the tables were turned and it was illegal to laugh because laughing is self gratification? What if comedies were illegal? Would it be "sinful" to laugh? No.
There is a difference between sin and law. Watching violent action movies may very well be considered a sin in some circles. This is why it is important note that interpretation is everything. Additionally, the whole idea of sin is being accountable for your actions regardless of social consequences. Sin has ultimate consequences, it deals with transcendent morality.

The more you QUESTION things of this very nature, the more you realize how much BS religion is, or at least, the rules that MAN created for MAN, not the rules that GOD created for man. I view the bible as an early tool to control people... and what better way to control a primitive mind than with FEAR of some omniscient being that will send you to eternal suffering for being "bad".
That's one view, but is it really that simple? Are there reasons that people would agree to follow a set standard of ethics and morality other than sheepishly falling in line? If the rules are manmade for man, then the questions are why did man make those rules? What is good or bad about them? What would bring someone, or a group of people to agree not to do something?

I think to break down everything into whether it warrants eternal damnation or not misses the point, regardless of whether you follow the bible literally or not.
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