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Old 08-20-2004, 09:35 PM   #39 (permalink)
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Location: Donkey
First off, there may or may not be a god, and if there isn't, end of discussion.

If there IS, who's to dictate what's rule and what's not? Surely not some HUMAN that wrote a book... and does it even say in the bible that pornography is bad? If so, exact quote/verse, please. None of that interpretive stuff, either.

Second, we are human. Our hypocritical sociey, for whatever reason, makes sex out to be this "bad naughty" thing, yet people turn around and fuckin do it behind closed doors. Viewing pornography is no different than watching an action movie or a comedy.

What if the tables were turned and it was illegal to laugh because laughing is self gratification? What if comedies were illegal? Would it be "sinful" to laugh? No.

If a man and a woman want to have sex and take pictures or film it, what biblical rule or law states that? They didn't even have cameras back then.

The more you QUESTION things of this very nature, the more you realize how much BS religion is, or at least, the rules that MAN created for MAN, not the rules that GOD created for man. I view the bible as an early tool to control people... and what better way to control a primitive mind than with FEAR of some omniscient being that will send you to eternal suffering for being "bad".

Think of it this way, do you HONESTLY think if there was a god that he'd send you to hell for looking at pictures of someone else having sex? Hell no! And if he did, then that's a pretty shitty god - certainly one I would like no part of. If this god that everyone speaks of is TRULY loving and compassionate, he would see past the human psychosis and understand if you gave in to pornography every once in a while. You're telling me that in this grand scheme of a universe that god has created that he'll choose to punish you over PORN? How silly is that? C'mon now... think for yourself.

If not, then everything that religions state about god being "forgiving" are just nothing but contradictions.
I love lamp.

Last edited by Stompy; 08-20-2004 at 09:38 PM..
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