Originally Posted by Fire
only problem with the shotgun is the incredible noise that it generates- had a military buddy point this out to me- try firing one in an enclosed space, it feels like your head exploded- beyond that, remmington 870 or a mossberg 5oo are good, cheap defense guns- do not "tactical " it out- no need and a folding stock is not your friend- as to overpenetration, there is no " magic bullet, only practice and accuracy- also, highly dependant on what you load it with, and how far away neighbors are.......
lol hopefully firing the shotgun at intruders in an enclosed home setting doesn't occur often enough to be worried about the sound it produces, hearing loss or otherwise (to the neighbors: "don't mind me just blasting my shotgun at intruders again! nothing to worry about here!"). My impression is that the sound of the cocking mechanism in a shotgun is very desirable and will have perps. pretty much shitting their pants before a shot is even fired.