I'd like to thank you all for your great responses. You've given me some nice hints ans advice, and I'll probably borrow a little bit from all. Anyway, we pretty much have everything set for our vacation, which starts on Sunday, Sept. 5th.
If any of you have been to these places, please start chirping:
Days 1 & 2:
Old Sturbridge Village. I've heard alot about this place, seems like some fascinating living history. This is where we'll stay:
Day 3:
The Lizzie Borden House B & B. OK, I know, I know, but mrs. joe loves this stuff, and who the hell knows, maybe see an orb or two float by.
Days 4, 5 (my birthday

), & 6:
This place is in Truro, Ma., almost to Provincetown. Seems nicely situated between Wellfleet and P'town, and right on the water. Hopefully it'll meet my criteria of local arts and beachcombing. In any event, sitting on the beach with my honey is gonna be a great way to spend my b-day.
Now...................................I'm psyched