Can you build another person's credit on a card when you co-sign with them without them actually using the card?
When I was in college, my parents gave me for emergency use only, an American Express card, I was an authorized user on the card, but the card was in my name. Having a credit card in my name, allowed me to use that card, (which I never used) to get other credit cards in my name, so it was a jumping off point in establishing credit for me.
Did it do anything to my father's credit? Not a thing. But having that card allowed me to get credit cards on my own.
The person with bad credit would never even TOUCH the card once, but since the other person co-signed, I'm assuming they could use it while simultaneously raising the other person's score. Is this correct?
No, because a co-signer is only a promise to pay in the event the original signer defaults.