Yes, of course you are right from your point of view.
This discussion is based on one's rock-bottom assumptions about life and the universe. I think it is important for "believers" to come to an understanding that attempting to convince someone of the rationality of one's religious beliefs is a conundrum. "Belief" is not a rational process that can be proved or demonstrated to non-believers.
As is clear from the exact posts I responded to in each of my posts, an attempt is being made to engage in rational logical philosophical discourse regarding religion. I am responding specifically to those attempts to prove or demonstrate the existence of god or the necessity of "god" as argued.
Once one enters the field of philosophical discourse, logic and rationality rule. I employed standard rational technique and language to question the assumptions and arguments presented as demonstrative of the existence of god. The reference to "72 virgins" is intended as an example of strongly felt and deeply held religious belief that is in all ways similar to other religious beliefs held by good people. The fact that it is irrational and logically undemonstrable is the justification for using it above.
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