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Old 08-20-2004, 04:51 AM   #9 (permalink)
once you extract your final video file, it will be encoded a certain way, using a certain CODEC. think of a codec as a set of instrutions, or an algorithm, that gives the video it's structure.

DIVX is a codec. It is NOT a VCD or a SVCD. There's a BIG difference. A VCD or SVCD (Super VCD, same as a VCD but higher resolution) is basically a video file that's in MPEG-2 format. Many DVD players can read this format, they'll be advertised as VCD/SVCD -complient, you'll know because they'll want to advertise this capability. Some DVD players however, DO NOT support SVCDs.

Most movies however, are encoded into DIVX format, or a variation of it. The reason is DIVX gives better compresion rates than an SVCD (a movie encoded using DIVX may take up 700mb, enough to fit on a single CD, while the same movie encoded into an SVCD format may require 2 CDs). Your PLAYER needs the DIVX CODEC in order to decode, and thus play the file. A standalone DVD player does NOT have this capability. Your computer has the capability to install the DIVX codec- so you can only watch DIVXs on your computer.

This is the problem with your goal of putting a "divx file" onto a "vcd". It won't work. In order to make the DIVX FILE into a VCD-format, you will need to CONVERT it, a very long process. But that's what you'll need to do if you want to make a downloaded DIVX into a VCD. Alternatives are to download the SVCD version (it will be larger) or to just burn the DIVX, knowing it will only play on computers.

Hope that makes sense.

(btw: divx's are usually a .avi format, while S/VCDs will be in .mpeg or equivalent)
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