Here's at least one conservative who has done exactly what you bet against them doing. Using this book as a primer for their 8 year old. Thats what is scary. One persons satire is anothers Bible.
Help, Mom, There Are Liberals Under My Bed!
W. J. Rayment / Conservative Bookstore -- What is it that makes liberals so scary? Is it their blind refusal to see that property rights are intimately tied up with individual freedom?. Is it their unceasing assault on free speech through political correctness? Is it their undying support for victimhood that creates dependent classes in society? Is it their sense of entitlement? Or is it their overarching notion that they know how to live our lives better than we do?
Laid out starkly in this manner, we see how scary liberals really are. Yet they clothe themselves in caring words, and try to swaddle us in the nanny state. The battleground of ideas is where we do daily battle with both the misguided and the demagogues. However, the place to win this battle is in the minds and hearts of the young. Katherine DeBrecht is acutely aware of the war that rages and where her efforts can best be made. She has written a children's book that vividly illustrates the effects of liberalism on society in general and on two boys with a lemonade stand in particular.
In clear and steady prose, coupled with the high art of caricature, we are treated to the unremitting and stifling power of liberal policies as imposed on the dream of two boys. The resulting work is candid, fresh and educational. My eight year old daughter got hold of the book from off my desk. I generally get heavy tomes in the mail and she ignores them. But when she saw me produce this book from a USPS package she simply had to have a look at it. She read it once. She read it again. Then I read it to her and explained some of the nuances. She quickly grasped the terrible error of leftist ideas.
Ms. DeBrecht certainly understands children. For her explanations are obvious, but at the same time they prompt questions that make the child think more deeply about the issue under discussion. This book reads on several levels simultaneously. First, we have the story of the boys and their struggle. Next, we have the encroachment of the liberals. Finally, we have the effects of those policies.
Children like to read the same book over and over. Indeed, this my child did. So much so, that she actually mislaid it once, delaying my review. The book made a deep impression on her. It has helped her see the world as it is and not through the rose colored glasses the liberal left would impose upon her.
This is a great book for conservatives to help explain to their children why we must fight this ideological struggle with the left. Yet, this is not a work that dwells only on the negative. It also lauds hard work, cogent thinking and conservative ideas.
Highly recommended for children 6 years to adult.
This book is available at