Originally Posted by Holo
Where on Earth do you get this link? I've never heard that. I think you may be getting that from all the media coverage when a child rapist murders a child, which I would bet everything is much much less often than molestation in general. Doesnt' make what molesters do okay at any rate, but to try to add another stigma to this hated group isnt' helping things. I've read extensively the stories of many of these ppl and many are far from violent ppl let alone murderous. Rapists and murderers and just that, no matter who their target.
agreed. plus if it's on the news, it only shows how rare it is. if it's common, it will never make it to the news. How many news coverages are there for women who are raped? almost none these days. point is, child molestation is rare enough for it to make it to the news thus i think we can safety infer: pervert or pediphile does not equal rapist. again, i'm not condoning their social behavior but it's not ok to kill them...