Originally Posted by Bodyhammer86
i take that back, i just downloaded it, but i'm having no luck getting a C directory set up so i can install the game again. please help!
I gotcha covered. Here is the link for the forum I found;
And I'll give the intructions it has of the very first post, maybe you only need that lil piece.
Howdoo lads and lasses.
I spent an age yesterday trying to get Crusader to work under XP / NTFS on my laptop. I tried everything suggested in this forum and a whole load of other places. In the end I managed to get it to work using DOSBox (which on first try failed completely). Here's how I did it -
1. Install DOSBox.
2. Copy all Crusader game files into a temp folder on your C: drive
3. Run DOSBox
4. Type "mount c c:\" without the quotes
5. Type "mount d c:\temp" without the quotes
6. Step 5 presumes that all of the Crusader files are stored in the c:\temp folder
7. Type "d:\" and you should be in a folder with the Crusader install files.
8. Install the game with all defaults (sound, location, etc) but feel free to change screen size, etc. Make sure that you do a full install.
9. Once installed, navigate to the Crusader directory on your c: drive (in Dosbox of course).
10. Run the game.
You'll need to mess around with CTRL-F12 and Ctrl-F11 to change the CPU cycles (basically how much of your CPU is given over to DOSBox. After some messing I got the sound running fine 90% of the time with only minor glitches and the game movement is fine (my CPU cycles are set around 12000 but you should read the DOSBox readme file to see how to configure this setting correctly).
I haven't tested saving the game yet as I'm just about to head out - it should be fine though.
Hope that this has helped someone out!