Perhaps the Primary difference here, is the information contained in the Ads in question. From what I have seen(and I just went to Move On, and the Swift Boat site), the reason one would fight back(Kerry), and the other would not(Bush) is simple.
The allegations aginst Kerry seem to be false for the most part, Yet the majority of the Move On ads are pretty accurate, although attacking none the less. Mr. Bush would leave himself open for an onslaught of problems should he deny much of what is said, whereas Mr. Kerry has the information needed to disprove the attack.
Lets face it, they both have outside the loop entities at thier disposal....nothing much we can do about that. But, Move on has, for the most part, simply hightlighted the blunders and lies of the Bush administration. The Swift Boat Site is kinda' reaching in my opinion, and if someone was to attack my integrity in such a way.....I would fight back as well.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha