Originally Posted by roboshark
You can have a relationship as friends, or you can have one as lovers. It seems to me she's not very interested in the second kind.
Apparently this seems to be the case.
She's not falling in love with you. It's possible to figure something like that out pretty quickly. Love is not usually the kinda feeling where you can "grow" into, especially between strangers.
Well not all love is love at first sight is it?
The prospect of a relationship based on sex and "being friends" only is not attractive enough for her without the added excitement and thrills of love. She'd like to be friends, but doesn't like to be as involved as it would require for you two to be if you'd have a "real" relationship.
I guess.
Maybe while she was away, she found out she didn't really feel that much about you.
But she'd only known me for a week... I mean, hardly much time to get to know someone? Or do you think that you can have a general feeling of how things are gonna work out fairly quickly after meeting someone?
When she got back, she decided to give it a try again, and, having tried, is coming to the realization that it's just not happening. Sure you can have fun together, and talk about stuff you both like, have sex, or whatever, but that's about it, as far as she's concerned.
In my opinion, it's possible to figure these things out in a few days/dates....
Okay... well, I'll talk to her, but not push it, like absorbentishe said.
Originally Posted by hossified
she / you are known as what I call an 'on-call'. Basically she like banging you, but doesn't want all the other realtionship crap. Did she slam another dude on her vacation?? do you know?? Just enjoy the on-call man
No, I'm pretty sure she didn't bang anyone on vacation.

But I can't rule it out of course.
The 'on call' was my idea too yesterday after we had our little talk. And I guess thats what happened in the evening after dinner. But then today I realize that us not really having any future toghether depressed me and that I
would like to have a relationship with her. In other words I want to do other things toghether with her apart from mind-blowing sex. In this situation I wonder if I can keep the emotions at bay and just be fuckfriends ("on call"), which is a pretty cool situation if you can manage it.
I'll see what happens. Maybe I just have to get used to the idea of the relationship not happening and us being "on call" for eachother. Hehe.