The executive office, which is right down the hall from us, has a new coffee machine. It seems like they just keep upping the ante when it comes to the fancy schmancy, high-tech machines.
The one they have right now is the
Flavia S350. Apparently this is one fancy fuckin' machine. Not only can it combine little packets to make cappucino, "chococino" and mochachino, but it has a million different blends of coffee. French Roast, Italian Roast, Ethiopian Roast, Colombia, Hazelnut, French Vanilla, Irish Creme, Choco, the list goes on and on.
(Except for the Ethiopian Roast. I made that one up.)
My point here is that I think this machine is stupid.
First of all, I'm obviously coming from a selfish standpoint, 'cause I don't drink coffee. I occasionally drink hot chocolate, and truth be told, their hot chocolate ("choco") doesn't taste any different than any other hot chocolate I've had. Even when I turn it into a Chococino by adding the "creamy topping" (which is a powder, but I digress), it still is unimpressive.
Plus, aren't we drinking enough coffee? Do we really need more coffee? (Anybody reading this around the time I'm posting, which is around 9:30 AM, is probably screaming "YES! WE NEED MORE COFFEE!!!")
My overall point, in reference to the title here, is Forget The Coffee Machine. I want a Juice Machine. Not a juicer, not a vending machine. A juice machine. A machine that will take juices, even from concentrate, and blend them. I mean, of course I'd prefer a fresh fruit juice machine, but even that's too advanced for the fine people at Flavia.
Can you imagine the possibilities? Apple juice? Sure. Orange? We got it. Watermelon Mango? It can be done. Apple-Pear-Pomegranate-Banana-Kumkwat-Kiwi-Starfruit? No problem, mon!
It's my little pipe dream, probably concocted because there's no Jamba Juice near my work, but dammit, I'm going to hold onto it. Even if it's completely impractical, and even if I know that offices will never give up on their coffee fix. But I could really go for some starfruit right now.