I don't understand why everyone wants to get the hell out of town. Towns and cities have a lot of resources. I do agree with banding together with others to form a group, saftey in numbers. I wouldn't mind taking my chances living in the city after the fall of society, as I believe I'm sufficently armed to handle a crowd of marauding people. Most likely, neighborhoods would band together, with the odd looney heading into the hills. This is the human social dynamic, and it's the reason why we live in big cities in the first place.
If there exists anything mightier than destiny, then it is the courage to face destiny unflinchingly. -Geibel
Despise not death, but welcome it, for nature wills it like all else. -Marcus Aurelius
Come on, you sons of bitches! Do you want to live forever? -GySgt. Daniel J. "Dan" Daly