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Old 08-18-2004, 02:41 PM   #176 (permalink)
Location: Allen, TX
Originally Posted by Mikado
I'm sure there are, but you won't find many around here. Especially in the $70k range and without a college degree. She works 30 hours a week, gets to take a day of every other week, three weeks at Christmas, a week at Thanksgiving, plus I pay 100% of her family's health insurance. I'd say that's more than fair.
I'd have to agree!

Obviously health care is no small benefit. Fewer companies cover 100%, and it is hard to blame them. I think that the burden of such coverage shouldn't fall on the business owner, but instead should be nationally covered. People are worried about cost, but what about the costs we are bearing right now under our current system? I think in a way there is a good aspect to the lessening company-provision of health care, in that the true costs are becoming more clear to average Americans, which in turn is why I do think the opportunity to reform the system is much more ripe now than say a decade ago when Clinton tried to do it.
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