Originally Posted by Mikado
Again, I'm not a heartless bastard. Maybe my views in running a business are different than most, but I have been blessed over the years and realize I wouldn't be where am today if it weren't for some of the people working for me.
I don't know that your sentiments are that rare. Certainly, in business there are multiple avenues that can succeed. You can take a Wal-Mart approach and try and squeeze your employees and suppliers to the maximum in order to corner the basement level of costs, or you can take the Costco approach of rewarding your people better in order to get better work and loyalty from them. They both can work.
One should always have their objectives in mind. Is your goal is to create a monstrous super-company to top the NYSE and collect every spare coin you can get your hand on in a never-ending mission to amass more wealth, or is your goal to create a profitable and responsible company that provides you a comfortable living and retirement, as well as being a positive pillar of the community?