New Car
New Wheels
So got the new car on Sunday, yippee! First thing I wanted to do was come home and put it in my journal, only to find out Halx was updating the site and there was no journal component back yet. Been having a great time breaking the car in, except for finding a pool of condensation from the A/C unit under the truck getting back into the truck after a doctor's appointment. A quick feel test back at home revealed clear fluid, so no big problems on that one. I posted a picture of my new baby in the What Ride You have for real thread in tilted motors, now just need a car name.
Have a few friends I've been thinking about lately... some I've been a little worried about since life has been giving them a handful lately, but a few others were happy thoughts. Just have to try my best and remind them that I'm here if they need me, and just be ready to give a hug. Sometimes the only problem having friends internationally is the inability to respond how I'd like to in certain situations, since there's no feasible way for me to actually be everywhere at once.
Schools Starting up
So went to school today to get my books, decal, and replace my Sun Card, since I was stupid enough to misplace it during all our moving. It's SOO hot, and it's only gonna get crazier starting tomorrow when all the residents move back in for the year. Crossing my fingers that I remembered and did everything I needed to so I don't have to go back before class Monday afternnon.
Calling from deep in the heart, from where the eyes can't see and the ears can't hear, from where the mountain trails end and only love can go... ~~~ Three Rivers Hare Krishna