I just went to their FAQ page, and it creeped me out. Under the Donation section, there was a link to Amazon's 'honor system', AND IT HAD MY NAME IN THE GRAPHIC! Eww, that's way too creepy. Not even text, they created a graphic with my real name in it ON THE FLY.
OK, now that I'm done with that, Dodgeit should work pretty well. I personally use Mailshell.com , which is a pay service (~$35 a year), with unlimited email addresses that you can cancel individually if you start to receive spam. I use a separate one for every service or website that I contact; I have over 300 live addresses right now.
Just found this:
How does the Amazon Honor System paybox know my name?
When you look at a Web page, the words and pictures you see actually may come from several sources. Your browser software assembles the pieces and displays them as a single page. On the Web site you were visiting, most of the content you saw was transmitted from server computers used by the site's operator. The image made up of the paybox and your name displayed within the paybox was different--we sent it to you directly from Amazon.com. This allowed us to recognize you by name just like we do when you visit the Amazon.com Web site. Because Amazon.com's servers transmitted the image containing a paybox and your name within the paybox directly to your browser software, the site owner never saw the paybox or your name and never received any information about you. Return to help index.
Can I prevent the payboxes from greeting me by name?
Yes. You can determine whether the Amazon Honor System payboxes greet you by name. If you would like to turn off name recognition, please visit Your Account at Amazon.com. Under "Your Account Settings" click on "Updating your communication preferences." Then, simply click the appropriate check box. Please note that your browser may cache (store) graphics files for a period of time, so you may still see your name at recently visited sites.