Flowers are nice....but go the extra step or two.
Think about what you're going for here. Some recommendations, based on what I've done for my wife in the past:
Get some nice poetry, either from the internet or from an old, used book. If from a book, try tearing out the page from a nice, romantic poem and mailing it to her. If from the internet, print it out (using a nice script font, of course) and do the same.
Go for clothing. Nothing fancy, a simple short, flowing dress/skirt should do fine. You don't want to shout out "I want to hump you," sometimes subtle is good. Make sure it's got easy access and shows off her body, but isn't blatently sexual. You're implying here. You know what you want, she knows what you want, make it a nice fun game with what she wears.
Arrange for a nice, intimate dinner. In Newberg, OR there used to be a small restaurant that had candlelit tables for two. See if you can find the same. Or, pack a picnic basket and blanket and head into a field/park somewhere.
Chicks dig time and effort. Flowers will get you the "aw, shucks" but planning will get you laid.