Originally Posted by seretogis
The first WTC attack occurred on Clinton's watch, as did the OKC bombing, the Waco massacre, and the shameful use of force at Ruby Ridge. I guess that if you ignore the awful snowball effect that was happening while Clinton was in office, everything was just peachy. Ignorance is bliss, right? Also, are you truly surprised that an attack which was such a powerful symbol as 9/11 would provoke retaliation?
Dont forget the embassy bombings in Africa 1n 1998, the 1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia, the 1996 al-Khobar towers bombing in Saudi Arabia and the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole
How in the heck can someone say those were 8 carefree years?
(sorry for the thread jack...I just HAD to comment on the 8 carefree years post)