If you take the pitch into account, the dimension is roughly 16 on each slope. Multiplied by 50, the area works out to 1600 SF or 16 square, a term used for measurement of roofing and siding: an area of 100 SF. Ordinary 3-tab shingles cover 3 bundles to a square, or you need 53.33 bundles, assuming no waste. Break on half is the ordinary convention and will bring you to ~57 bundles. Depending on rainfall amounts, I like break on third for the greater distribution of tab rain paths. It is a touch more effort, but I prefer the look. At ~$8/bundle, having a few extra isn't a killer. Put your money into 30# felt, and use a self-adhering bituminous membrane at edges, valleys, and abutments. Grace Ice and Water Dam is one brand. Pricey, but worth the cost. Good luck.
There ain't nothin' more powerful than the odor of mendacity -Big Daddy