I think the problem with stereo types is that people who travel abroad to study of visit forgets or disregards that there are different customs and traditions to the places that one visits. Hence they acts as if they would in their home country, which pisses off the locals, and then the resentment starts.
Growing up in Thailand, and going to an international school, I met tonnes of kids with whom I went to school with, what simply didn't know any better. That really pissed me off, and it still does. But I learnt very quickly when I went to the states for college, that everyone is at risk at making those mistakes when you first arrive. The difference is that I leant my lesson very quickly, and adapted to the way of life in the US , and people didn't see me as any different to themselves.
I ended up having a ball in college, and the friends I made there are true friends that you can't find anywhere else.