Originally Posted by Redjake
oh yeah, I agree with the fact that there are still good bands out there. but it really doesn't have anything to do with laziness at all. the subject is "horrors of modern rock radio." we are pissed at the radio for playing raw shit. we want the radio to play the stuff that...well, isn't on the radio. the good bands that don't get a monster label. I'm kind of distraught that you'd think we only listened to the radio and that's it.....
Although my words are the heaven-sent irrefutable truth my post wasn't made to offend anyone.
I made no assumptions about anyone's musical taste. I stated my reasons for why I think nothing but crap music gets played on the radio and what we all could do (regardless of what we listen to) to change the situation.
As ForwardToDeath said - NY radio is a toilet and I feel strongly on this subject. If you want underground bands -