Originally Posted by ManWithAPlan
questions.... not orders...
my friend came up with this and it seems to work.
Q1. If I asked if the car was behind door 1, would you flash yellow?
Q2. If I asked if the car was behind door 2, would you flash yellow?
If blue was yes and it was
yellow, blue - car is behind 1
blue, yellow - car is behind 2
yellow, yellow - car is behind 3
if yellow was yes
Yellow, Blue - car behind 1
Blue, Yellow - car behind 2
blue, blue - car behind 3
yeah this works because if you translate into:
if yellow were YES
:::: If I asked if the car was behind door X, would you say yes? (flash yellow)
and if the watch answers YES (flashes yellow) it means the car is behind it.
or simplified: is the car behind door 1? yes.
if yellow were NO
:::::If I asked if the car was behind door X, would you say NO? (flash yellow)
and if the watch answers NO (flashes yellow) it again means the car is behind it
or simplified: is the car NOT behind door 1? NO
Thus is you ask that question, regardless of yellow being yes or no, you can decern the answer
kudos to your friend.