bush has flip flopped as much as kerry - the department of homeland security was introduced by joe lieberman and opposed by president bush. now it is his proof that he is fighting terrorism. 18 months ago a intelligance csar was recommended by committees in congress - now president bush say he is moving quickly in response to the 9-11 commission ( something he opposed) on isreal he changed years and years of us policy by backing sharon unilateral plan on the west bank.
and as far as a military record the idea that bush didn't join the national guard to avoid vietnam is ridiculous. in his induxtion class to the national guard there were also 2 senators son and 7 dallas cowboys. do you think they thought they might go to vietnam. less then ahalf percent of all the troops in vietnam were national guard. the plane bush trained on in the air national guard was not even being used in combat anymore. and as for his v.p. cheney he is critizeing kerry for things he did in combat while cheney recieved 5 different defferments to avoid military service.
just some food for thought