Charlatan, it can go to either extreme, but the way we're envisioning it (or at least the way I am envisioning it, it would be somewhere in the middle:
1. Everyone has their own house, their own job, their own money, and everyone owns their own property. NOT a commune. I'm not terribly interested in that.
2. Communal property would include:
- common house with:
a. communal kitchen
b. communal gathering space
c. guest rooms so you don't have to keep an empty useless bedroom in your house
d. hot tub and sauna!!! w00t!
- communal grounds including
a. vegetable garden
b. herb garden
c. flower garden
d. walking path
3. Maybe one or two communal cars to cut down on every couple needing two cars, maybe a central laundry, possibly a central computer lab and entertainment center.
At this point it's just us and like 5 friends who all really like each other and want to create a different lifestyle that's in line with our environmental values, more supportive, less expensive, and would enable us to kind of drop out of the 9-5 world if we felt like it. We would have a massage therapist, a stay-at-home mom who would want help with child care without having to move to L.A. to be near family, a teacher, three computer geeks, and, um, me. I guess I'm the idea person.
I don't know how big it would get, or how we'd handle expansion or someone moving out, but I'm sure there are legal issues invovled. In a way, it's not much different than belonging to a homeowner's association, I guess, except that there are particular shared values we'd be upholding that would be different from the traditional ones in most communities.
"If ten million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."
- Anatole France