Originally Posted by smooth
First of all, I think it would be more accurate to claim NAFTA was a bipartisan fucking of the middle class than to state it happened on the democratic watch..
Yes it is correct that while it was a bipartisan fucking of the middle class, it still happened under a Democratic president.
Secondly, do you agree with me that person's tax obligation should be commensurate with his or her earnings/assets?.
That is, you are arguing that rich people shouldn't pay more taxes as a percentage than the average joe. If it's true that rich jon earns and owns 60% of the US economy pie, and average joe only earns/owns 30% of the pie, shouldn't rich jon pay 60% of the expenses to run this nation and average joe pay 30%?.
Yes I am arguing that the rich shouldn't pay a higher percentage of their earned income to support the expenses of this fine nation. They should pay the same percentage as the "average joe" but without the loopholes. The way it is now even though someone in theory supposedly pays more they in fact pay less because there are loopholes built into the system by our fine Congressmen and women because they themselves are in that tax bracket and they don't wanna pay anymore than they have to. That's why the middle class burdens most of the tax, they don't have all the write-offs that the upper class have. Regardless, our tax system is broke and it's in dire need of an overhaul, I think we both agree on that.