My girlfriend and I went to the same school, but as the student population of that school grew, we all knew that another was to be built, and quick. She was two grade levels below me, but we had always known each other in passing and through mutual friends during the school year.
The next year she moved to the new school that was built and I saw less of her. I didn't really think anything of it because she had always been dating this other young man and I am not one to swoop in and interrupt a relationship.
One day, I was invited to a party just on the outskirts of town by one of her mutual friends, and although I didn't know it, she would be there that day. I wasn't going to go, but figured I might as well since I had nothing to do that night anyway. Two friends and myself made the trip with a few bottles of liquor and proceeded to make our rounds socializing with everyone.
Then I saw her. We spoke a few words, but didn't really get to talk since it was very dark, and very noisy with the rest of the crowd trying to wake the dead. Sure, I thought it would be nice to hang out, so I asked her and she said that her number was in the phonebook. I thought that was weird, but I didn't ask her out originally for a date (since I knew it might be next to impossible to see her again because she didn't attend my high school).
During the ride home, I thought to myself that it might be nice to at least attempt a date, so I spent the next week trying to work up my courage to call her. With my hands shaking, I picked up the phone on the sixth day and dialed the numbers, each tone ringing like a church bell inside my head. With bated breath I waited for the other end to be picked up. Suddenly an older man's voice was heard on the other end of the connection and I almost froze up right then and there. Beads of sweat dripped down my forehead with increasing speed as we exchanged pleasantries and he summoned his daughter.
She wasn't home. She was out excercising. D'oh! I had to wait even longer to speak with her.
About an hour later, I received a phone call from my (now) girlfriend. She apologized for not being at home but wondered what I wanted. I asked her if she wanted to go play baseball, and she replied that she couldn't due to plans but she suggested she was free another night - I was in, at elast for a group get-together. I suggested bowling and we set a date. A few other people were to show up.
She had the widest smile when I arrived (only about half a minute after she arrived!). I tried my hardest to flirt with her and I believe we both knew why we were there. All of our friends knew it too. I cautiously asked her for a date and she said yes.
It was to be a movie. It was either A) Southpark B) American Pie or C) Generals Daughter. She didn't mind that I chose American Pie.

We both had a great time!
We've been dating ever since - 5 years this July just past.
Oh, one more thing: She and I knew each other at first through BBSing back in the days before the Internet became colossal with the release of NSCA Mosaic. We were both SysOps of our own respective BBSes. In fact, she was the
only female SysOp in town! Score! We both played LORD like it was going out of style (although TW2002 was my personal favourite).
Wait, another: She had worked for the last three years in an adult novelty store, on a dare from me! Score!
I guess this goes to show you that
someone ends up with all the luck!