Originally Posted by fhqwhgads
Looking good kulrblind.
Did think about using a heat gun? I had to strip some paint off a tabletop not too long ago, and I used a heat gun. I put on some gloves, heat the paint until it blistered, and then used a putty knife to ease it off. It worked like a charm.
As for the clogged sandpaper, I bought a rubber eraser that is specifically made for cleaning sandpaper. It helps unclog debris from the paper, making it last longer. If you need help finding one, lemme know and I'll post some links.
Keep up the good work...I'd love to see how it turns out.
Interesting ... I'd thought about a heat gun. If it's really going to do the trick, I'll consider it even more. I've got one more litre of this Circa 1850 (environmentally not-so-vicious, it tells me) stripper, so I'll give that a whirl and see how far it takes me. I doubt it'll finish it all off completely, so I'll be trying a little more.
The other thing I read is that for many coats of paint, some have tried using a hand plane. Seems a bit harsh, but the stairs are a bit trashed anyway, so a little gouge here and there probably wouldn't be noticeable. I'll have to do a fair bit of sanding as it is. Anyway, if i try that, I'll report back! Thanks for the tips,
fhqwhgads, I may try the sanding option soon enough.