I live in Norway. Cold winters, summers were the sun never sets, tasty traditional food, fjords, mountain, anti-social people...
Norway is currently ruled by a christian democrat(KRF)/conservative (H) coalition, who're into a "privatisation is cool" and "religious schools are cool" thing. Norway has had some of the best schools and hospitals, but instead of keeping up the trend of well funded schools and hospitals, the conservatives wants large parts of it because they believe that free competition = quality for everyone, both rich and poor.
Oh well. They also want to cut the funding for our defence forces and instead have a small professional army for fighting abroad. Our countrys defence almost worse than before the Nazi invation in 1940 were Norway was conquered in about a day or so, because the Norwegain Army was focusing only on fighting an internal enemy (communists).
The current government also thinks it's cool to export norwegian electricity to other european countries. And when the winter comes and the watermagazines are almost empty (Norway relies on hydroelectric power) they go like: "Ooops, no more water, ey? Must be because it hasn't rained in a while, well people just have to pay more then *chuckle*. Thats the free market for you. The danes are willing to pay more for the power, so they can have it. If you want to heat up your house, you'll have to pay the price".
Obviously they've failed to notice that temperatures as low as -20C aren't really that common south of Skagerak...
So no, the Norwegian government is not perfect either