To counter roachboy, then in general:
They might not have been directly involved in 9/11, but Iraq was actively supporting (and rewarding) international terrorism - directed at the US and its allies - for years. They were actively seeking WMD. They were a threat to the region, and to the US.
reply: none of these has turned out to be accurate.
I would suggest a re-reading of the 9/11 Commission Report, Chp. 10, pp. 334-337.
reply: what exactly is a "legitimate colonial occupation"?
True colonialism would be a situation of foreign exploitation of culture, science, government, resources, society, etc...Popular elections are due in January as well, barring interference.
I don't believe it is actually anyone's plan to level Najaf, ala Hiroshima. I believe the official objective is to stop the insurgency, stop Sadr from encouraging lawlessness, and in the process leaving the infrastructure standing.
It seems like, for the time being, we'll just have to wait for the situation to reveal itself. There is talk from Sadr's people of the ceasefire being a 'smoke-screen' by Allawi for some other hidden, 'conspiratorial' purpose. I've also read the ceasefire having something to do with a covert operation on the part of the Americans, and involving the Iranians.
update -
Iraqi Troops to Take Lead In Fighting Sadr's Forces
The Iraqi army - not the Americans - are preparing to battle the insurgents in Najaf...
This is a showdown between Allawi & Sadr over the future of Iraq.
My money's on Allawi.